Fev 2020 - Jun 2020
Project carried out in the first period with the theme: “How can we improve the control of materials inside CESAR School classrooms?”
July 2020 - Dez 2020
Second period project with the objective of improving the health and quality of life of the population through the maintenance of the environment, hygiene and home organization.
Client: Metalúrgica Gerdau
Fev 2021 - Jun 2021
The PIN Project aimed to create an efficient reporting system for a rolling mill at Metalúrgica Gerdau. As a customer, Gerdau took on this challenge to make it more efficient in terms of failures in the rolling process.
Client: FOZ center for innovation in health and education
July 2021 - Dez 2021
The SALUS project aims to improve the monitoring and use of data from the FOZ incubator, within the incubation programs.
Jan 2020 - Jan 2022
Project created to help pre-university students with handouts from all areas of knowledge charged at Enem.